Bracing for Vacation: What Should I Pack for Orthodontics?

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 2:59 pm
Woman with brown hair in plaid shirt smiling with braces at the beach

Summertime is here, and with school out of session, it’s the perfect time to plan a vacation. Whether you’re planning a camping excursion to enjoy what nature has to offer or are traveling to explore distant cities, there are plenty of ways to make the most of your break. That said, there are some routines you should stick to, and dental hygiene is one of them- especially if you have braces! A change in your schedule could lead to dental danger if you don’t take the right precautions.

As you prepare for your trip, consider packing a dedicated orthodontics kit. Having all the necessary tools for your dental care can provide peace of mind, allowing you to fully enjoy your time off. If you’re unsure about what to include, read on for 3 useful suggestions!

Item #1: Travel-sized Toothbrush

While a change of scenery can be refreshing, it’s crucial to maintain your dental hygiene routine, even when you’re away from home. Thankfully, many stores and pharmacies offer travel-sized items, making it easy to pack everything you need. You can purchase all the essentials, like a collapsible toothbrush, mini toothpaste, and even small containers of floss.

Item #2: Interproximal Brush

The metal brackets bonded to your teeth are prone to trapping bits of food, which attracts bacteria that contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. When you’re away from home or in a foreign place, you might have a hard time finding the specific tools needed to safely clear away unwanted leftovers. However, if you pack interproximal brushes in your ortho kit, you can easily brush around and between your braces to prevent harmful residue buildup.

Item #3: Orthodontic Wax

You may be looking forward to indulging in smores around a campfire or trying the local delicacies of your destination this summer. Unfortunately, the metal wires and brackets in your mouth are brittle and can snap or poke the tender tissues inside your mouth if you bite into something overly hard or sticky. As a result, you could develop sore spots that become so uncomfortable you avoid speaking or eating, and in time, they could become infected.

Take orthodontic wax with you to smooth out any rough edges so that you don’t have to worry about potential discomfort.

Now that you know more about what to take with you when you’re on vacation with braces, you’ll be able to relax knowing that you have nothing to worry about!

About the Author

Dr. Russell Teasdale has more than 40 years of experience helping people in the Portland area improve their oral health. He graduated with an undergraduate degree in Government from Pomona College and then earned his DMD at Washington University in St. Louis. Since that time, he has committed thousands of hours to ongoing training through Spear Education and other institutions. He enjoys getting to know his patients so that he can create fully individualized treatment plans to meet their unique dental needs. Then, he uses state-of-the-art equipment to enhance comfort while increasing the accuracy of results. If you are interested in braces and need a consultation, you can contact the office on the website or call (503) 974-3829.

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