Evolution Dental Blog

Drooling and Sleep Apnea: What Is the Connection?

August 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 1:10 pm
Woman sleeping with her mouth open

If you sometimes wake up with a small wet spot on your pillow near your mouth, it is likely that you were drooling during sleep. While occasional drooling might not be anything to worry about, it may be a cause for concern if it happens frequently. It could even indicate that you have obstructive sleep apnea! What is the connection between these two issues? This blog post provides some helpful information.


How Can BOTOX Help Treat TMJ Disorder?

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 5:58 pm
Woman receiving BOTOX injection close to her TMJ

Jaw pain, difficulty chewing, and headaches are just a few common symptoms of TMJ disorder, which is also known as TMD. If you are struggling with such issues, there are several treatments that might be able to help — including BOTOX injections. Although BOTOX is usually thought of as a purely cosmetic procedure, it can actually be very helpful in relieving the pain and discomfort of TMJ disorder. This blog post explains how.


Bracing for Vacation: What Should I Pack for Orthodontics?

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 2:59 pm
Woman with brown hair in plaid shirt smiling with braces at the beach

Summertime is here, and with school out of session, it’s the perfect time to plan a vacation. Whether you’re planning a camping excursion to enjoy what nature has to offer or are traveling to explore distant cities, there are plenty of ways to make the most of your break. That said, there are some routines you should stick to, and dental hygiene is one of them- especially if you have braces! A change in your schedule could lead to dental danger if you don’t take the right precautions.

As you prepare for your trip, consider packing a dedicated orthodontics kit. Having all the necessary tools for your dental care can provide peace of mind, allowing you to fully enjoy your time off. If you’re unsure about what to include, read on for 3 useful suggestions!


Essential Oils for TMJ Pain — Do They Really Work?

May 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 4:02 pm
Woman in white blouse preparing to use lavender essential oil

If you are a natural medicine enthusiast, you might be interested in using essential oils for various purposes. Many people even use them to relieve the pain and discomfort of TMJ disorder (TMD). Are they an effective way to treat TMD, or are they a waste of time and money? This blog post discusses some facts that you should keep in mind as you are seeking to support the health and function of your jaw joint.


Can Braces Fix TMJ Disorder?

April 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 5:14 pm
Portrait of smiling woman with braces

If you frequently struggle with issues like jaw pain, difficulty chewing, headaches, and other symptoms of TMJ disorder (TMD), you may be curious about your treatment options. Sadly, many therapies only relieve immediate symptoms rather than address the root cause of TMD. But what about braces? Can they fix TMJ disorder for good? This blog post discusses what you should know about using orthodontia to correct jaw problems.


Can Sleep Apnea Make You Age Faster?

March 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 4:02 pm
Woman looking in mirror, noticing signs of aging

In their quest to remain youthful, many people do things like exercise, eat a balanced diet, use luxurious skincare products, and more. Sadly, those, some of those individuals do not care for one aspect of their health that can have a big impact on how quickly they age — their sleep. Research suggests that sleep disordered breathing (SDB), such as what occurs in people with sleep apnea, can speed up the aging process. This blog post discusses important points from that research and touches on some signs that you should seek treatment for sleep apnea.


Weight Gain and Sleep Apnea: A Vicious Cycle

February 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 7:52 pm
Person standing on weight scale

Have you been struggling to feel well-rested despite spending 7 – 8 hours in bed every night? Does your partner tell you that you snore? Have you been putting on a few pounds lately? It might surprise you to learn that such issues are often closely related. This blog post explores the vicious cycle that can be created by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and weight gain.


Why Does My Jaw Hurt When I Wake Up?

January 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 5:07 pm
Woman sitting on bed, struggling with jaw pain

Everyone occasionally wakes up with some aches and pains, but if your jaw seems to hurt every single morning, you might have a problem that needs to be addressed by a dentist. What can cause your jaw to hurt when you wake up? What can you do to find relief? This blog post provides some important information.


Snoring Treatment: Sleep Better, Live Healthier

December 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 10:33 pm
Snoring man fast asleep in bed in need of sleep apnea treatment

Hello. I’m Russ Teasdale of Evolution Dental in Portland, Oregon. Today, I would like to tell you about an exciting revolution in the treatment of snoring.

Snoring is more than just an irritant to those within audible range.  And it will most likely worsen over time, quite possibly developing into life-altering obstructive sleep apneas.  Consider it an early warning alarm that problems are on the horizon.  


BOTOX: It Is For More Than Just a Pretty Face!

November 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 9:13 pm
Digital illustration of a skull with a red light point over the TMJ area

Hello. I am Dr. Russ Teasdale of Evolution Dental in Portland, Oregon, and I would like to discuss a treatment for facial pain that you may not realize is an efficient and effective option to relieve your discomfort.

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